thea maj2015


HD - A
AD - 0
Eyes - endnu ikke
prcd-PRA Fri grundet forfædres DNA
GR-PRA1 Fri grundet forfædres DNA

Thea er elsket og ejet af Susanne i Århus

DKK logo mental


 Stamtavle 4 generationer 

Vesterlyng's Token Of Clyde DKBRCH Clockburn Clooneen FTW Greenfoot Rum Greenfoot Barra
Rakelands Smokey
FTW Clockburn Commotion Drumtochty Viking
Ballochruin Aster
Respons Kramiga Kexnougat-Ten Gainwill Marchall Golden Ciba Moonraker Milbo
Gainwill Hebe
SE UCH DK UCH SE JCH Respons Vinjett-Ten Rayleas Lydon
Respons Solkatt-Ten
Golden De Luxe Titan's Revenge Glenweir Rhum Of Holway FTW Holway Dezzy FTCH Holway Corbiere
FTW Holway Quincy
Millrythe Ibiza FTCH Rossmhor of Clancallum
Robenda Clary of Millrythe
Falkirk's Éowyn White Lady Of Rohan SVCH Holway Odin FTW Standerwick Remus of Merryway
Holway Muffin
Golden Runner's Titan Sidewinder Joe's Jazzy
Dusky Sound's Husky


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